Saturday 22 November 2014

Thank you, thank you, thank you

My almost 3 months in Kenya this time has been amazing!
God has richly blessed me and often it has been through people.
So many people have helped to make my time here a blessing to others and to me.
As God has blessed me through you, may he richly bless you.

●For all who visited me during my time in hospital here.
●Pastor William Eyika of Elyon Christian Mission, for the generous provision of a car for my use during my time here.
●Joshua Maraka, of Chosen Children of Promise for all your assistance.
●All the team at CCP, for your friendship and hospitality - making me feel a part of your team.
●My many friends at Lifespring Chapel, for your encouragement and support.
●Stella Mwangi, for helping me coordinate everything, for your encouragement, support and continuing friendship.
●The local Pastors, who invited me to share the pulpit.
●Covenant Guest House, for once again making me feel at home.
●New and old friends, for filling my life with joy.
●My family in Australia,  for understanding my need to make this trip, for all your love and support.
●God, who made it all happen and continues to abundantly bless me.

Inaweza Mungu ambariki awabariki

Asante sana

Friday 21 November 2014

Such mixed feelings

My time in Kenya this trip (nearly 3 months) is almost finished. I fly back to Australia on Sunday (tomorrow).

Why am I torn between two places?

I know that I am missed back in Australia,  especially by family, but God has given me a passion for ministry on Kenya. Even though I have not yet left Kenya, I find myself thinking about how soon until I return, praying - Lord, show me the way.

I know that I have said it before about my time in Kenya, each time, it is a life changing experience. I have learnt so much about myself, my gifts and my talents but mostly about reliance upon God.

During this trip, God has blessed me in so many ways, confirmed my ministry here and that has increased my desire to move here.
I look forward to returning to Kenya soon.

Sunday 16 November 2014

Last Minute Changes

On these last few Sundays here in Kenya I have been invited to preach at a number churches.

I normally prepare well in advance and have everything ready 4 or 5 days in advance.

However, these last two Sundays although this has been the case, God has prompted last minute full rewrites.

Yet again, what appears to be my theme verse for this trip keeps coming to mind.

2 Corinthians 4:7 NIV
But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.

Monday 10 November 2014

So Different

Today I attended two very different churches.  This morning I preached at Christian Family Worship Centre at N'gando.  It is a vibrant church full of music, clapping & dancing.

Tonight I attended All Saint's Anglican Cathedral in Nairobi.  They still use the 1962 Book of Common Prayer and they have a choir, complete with robes.

Although the styles are very different,  they both worship the one & only true God, the Father Almighty, the Creator of everything.
Today, both of these churches fullfilled the mandate given in Heb 10.

Hebrews 10:23-25 NIV
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. [24] And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. [25] Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another---and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Bwana asifiwe, Bwana asifiwe tena!

Saturday 1 November 2014

The truth about Halloween

I came across this information and I must share it. I know many  people might not agree but hopefully it will make some people rethink their involvement.

Thank God for His Grace! I truly believe that once you come to the knowledge or revelation of something, you are then responsible....... In doing research, getting information from people and gathering information from various sources, my mother and I came across some startling and very eye opening facts about the origins of activities, from what we use to consider a fun and harmless time of the year.

Did you know..............

      Trick or treating and wearing costumes were first done by the Druids to keep themselves safe from evil spirits?

      Bobbing for Apples was done to obtain favor with the evil spirits. People would kneel around a tub of water filled with apples. The first person to get an apple without using their hands, would have good luck and favor from the spirits for the coming year.

      Bonfires originally came from these nights of human and animal sacrifices where they would throw the remains of the bodies into the fire. The next morning all that was left were ashes and bones- thus the name bonefIres- bonfIres.

      If this information is not enough, here are 10 more reasons that Kerby Anderson, an author, broadcaster and CEO of a Christian Think Tank Ministry, gives us.

10 Reasons Christians Should Not Celebrate Halloween.

1. October 31st. Has long been known as "The Festival of the Dead." The Celtic tribes and their priests the Druids celebrated this day as a marker for the change from life to death.

2. Halloween today is performed usually by adherents of witchcraft who use the night for their rituals. Witches celebrate Halloween as the "Feast of Samhain" the first feast of the witchcraft year. Being a festival of the dead, Halloween is a time when witches attempt to communicate with the dead through various forms of divination.

3. Christians should not be involved with occultic practice or divination. Note God's command against divination in Deuteronomy 18.

4. Occultist believe Halloween is a time of transition between life and death. Some occult practitioners...believe in lying on the grave and listening to the message from the long departed.

5. Occultist also taught that spirits and ghosts left the grave during this night and would seek out warmth in their previous homes. Villagers, fearful of the possibility of being visited by the ghosts, would dress up in costumes to scare the spirits on their way. They would also leave food and other "treats" at their door to appease the spirits.

6. Occultists also would try to scare away the spirits by carving a scary face into a pumpkin. Sometimes the villagers would light a candle and place it within the pumpkin and use it as a lantern.

7. In some witchcraft covens, the closing ritual includes eating an apple or engaging in fertility rites.

8. Schools are removing any religious significance from Christmas and Easter. Isn't it ironic that most public schools still celebrate Halloween even though it has occultic origins?

9. Participating in Halloween gives sanction to a holiday the promotes witches, divination, haunted houses and other occultic practices.

10. Christians should not endorse or promote Halloween in any way. "The night is nearly over; the day is almost near. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armour of light." Romans 13:12


Friday 31 October 2014

You never know

You never know when and where something you do or say may have an impact on someone else.

Yesterday we finished the day in the office by celebrating the birthday of two of the staff. I was just returning from teaching a class elsewhere  and I missed the first part of the celebration which was Kenyan tradition of "showering"  them with blessings. Well actually, they get a bucket of water dumped over them (bath day).😊

As I arrived at the office they were all enjoying cake and sodas. Then everyone declared a blessing for each of the birthday ladies. I was the last in the cirlce so I was asked to also pray for them after declaring God's blessing for them.

In some of the blessing from previous people I had heard the phrase "desires of you heart". So, I picked up on this and quoted Psalm 37:4 NIV
"Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart."
As I have said on previous ocassions, the best translation for this verse is that if we delight ourselves in God, he will fill our hearts with His desires, replace our desires with His will. As we delight and trust in God and his will it becomes our desire, only wanting what pleases Him.

This morning as I arrived at the office I was greeted by one staff member who said that God had used what I had spoken yesterday to speak deeply to her life. She had gone way and meditated on it.

You never know when something we say or do will be used by God to speak into somebody's life.
Jesus himself said that we would be His ambassadors. The questions to ask ourselves is what type of ambassadors are we, good (given honour and glory to Jesus) or bad (bringing disgrace to His name)?

Remember, it is all about Him, not us.
2 Corinthians 4:7 NIV
"But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us."

God is good!

Tuesday 28 October 2014

View of area around CCP office in Kawangware

Just thought I would share a few quick photos that I took while installing a wireless network unit 10m up a tower on the roof of the CCP office in Kawangware. 
The photos give you an idea of the mixture of dwellings in the surrounding area.
Two photos just give you an idea how high up I was on the tower.

Monday 27 October 2014

What a week!

 What a week - all good, just very busy.
My aim was to blog at least every few days but the week has been so busy that it has been difficult to find time to gather my thoughts and write them down. So, here is a brief recap of the past week.

Last Sunday I traveled to LifeSpring Chapel, Syokimau and caught up with some friends. As usual from Lifespring (either campus), the sermon was great and the whole church service amazing.
Most of the week was filled with various meetings, looking at IT issues for CCP, getting a wireless link installed between the CCP office and the CCP Academy (Community Centre), interviewing two ladies from the Kenya Help scholarship program (an amazing interview - check out, attending a Graduation dinner and ceremony for one Kenya Help scholar (well done Ann) (two other friends also graduated at the same time), attending AFLEWO ( and finishing the week with time at Lifespring Chapel, Embakasi (another clear message - from Pastor Zeph and God). I then spent the afternoon catching up with Rhi, an Aussie from my home church who is interning this year at Lifespring Chapel, Embakasi.

Oh, and to top it all, the Principal from Elyon High School at Dagoretti Corner informed me that his wife had a baby on Monday and they have named him "Rob". This is such an honour and particularly here in Kenya. Please pray for this little one. There have been a few complications but we hope that I can pick them up from the hospital today or tomorrow.

All in all, a very busy week but everyday I have seen God at work both in my life and the lives of those around me. I am truly blessed. Thank you Lord!

God is good!

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Scholarship Interview

Yesterday I had the privilege of interviewing two of recipients of scholarships from Kenya Help.

The response from these two young ladies was nothing short of amazing.  The main focus of the interview was "How has the scholarship changed your life?"

The interview is a must see in its entirety.

I hope it will inspire and encourage you.

Monday 20 October 2014

Mashujaa Day

Mashujaa Day (Heroes Day) is a national day in Kenya which is observed on October 20 to honour Kenyan heroes who contributed towards the struggle for the country’s independence.

Post independence national heroes and heroines such as those in the business sector, sports and arts industry among others will also recognized on this day.

Initially, the day was dedicated to the nation’s founding father, the late Mzee Jomo Kenyatta. It is the day he was arrested in 1952 on suspicion he was the leader of Mau-Mau fighters.

However, the makers of the new Constitution felt it should be renamed Mashujaa Day because there were other patriots across the country whose contribution in the fight for independence was equally important.

This year’s celebration comes at a time when the country has had a difficult year with a myriad of challenges ranging from insecurity, ICC trials of the President and his deputy among others.

Today especially, pray for Kenya and its people.  Pray that peace will continue and above all that God will continue to bless and grow Kenya for His glory.

Saturday 11 October 2014

Elyon High School - Day of Prayer

What an amazing day!

It was called a Day of Prayer. It was to celebrate the senior students (Form 4) as they finish high school and commence their exams next week.
Truly done "Kenyan style", the day was full of praise, worship, music, entertainment by students, speeches, teaching from God's word and of course a meal together.
I was one of two guest speakers and without planning on our part, our messages meshed together so well. It was truly a God ordained connection.

This video is of the senior students entering the hall - Kenyan style.
Pray for these 37 young people as they sit for their exams and begin their lives beyond high school. 

Elyon 2014 Form 4 Procession:

Friday 10 October 2014

An Example to Follow

Soon the final High School exams begin for Kenyan students. Elyon High School at Dagoretti Corner in Nairobi always strive to set good example for the students and indeed the community. Today is a one of those times when they show the importance of having the right priorities and that our Christian Faith is not an isolated or compartmentalised part of our lives but must shape our entire existence.

Today at Elyon High School, all classes for the entire school are cancelled and the whole school community will spend the day in worship and prayer. The day of prayer will have a focus on the Form 4 students (those facing their finals) but will also be a day of general prayer for the whole school community.

What a great example to Christian schools everywhere - dedicating a whole day for the whole school to pray for the students as they begin their exams. What a wonderful way to demonstrate our priorities.

I have been asked to speak today at the day of prayer. Specifically, I have been asked to bring a word of encouragement to them from God's word. It is a wonderful privilege to be asked but also a huge responsibility. Please pray for me as I share from Phillipians 4:4-9.

Thursday 9 October 2014

Pray for Vanessa

Today I left early to drive a CCP sponsored 9 year old girl, her mum and the CCP nurse (Mable) to a distant hospital where they offered to review the girl for neuro surgery. As it turns out it was too complicated for the district hospital even though this week they have a team of neuro surgeons from Canada.
They ended up referring her to the welfare program at Aga Khan Hospital. So we went there to start the process. The board at Aga Khan Hospital will make a decision on Monday. Please have many people pray for Vanessa.  She turns 10 next month but is the size of a 6 year old. Without surgery on the brain tumour soon she may not last long. She is deteriorating quickly. She had a fit in the car on way home. It was so scary.
Please, please, please pray for this girl and that the hospital board and doctors will make the best choice to help this young girl.

Sunday 5 October 2014

Training - full swing

Well, it has been a very busy week but again an amazing week.
Training sessions are in full swing with daily sessions for the teachers at CCP Academy and two mornings a week for the CCP office staff and then on Saturdays we have a morning session for the CCP volunteers. I have been greatly impressed by the enthusiasm of some of the "trainees". They realise that is is an opportunity to upskill themselves and are grabbing hold with both hands.
Opportunities that "in the western world" we take so easily for granted, are not often available here. It is a privilege to serve these wonderful friends.

On a more personal note, I keep coming across the same passage from the Bible. It has popped up many times and in many places during the last two weeks.
2 Corinthians 4:7 NIV
[7] But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.

Tuesday 30 September 2014

All clear

Today, I finally received the all clear from my doctor here in Nairobi.

It is such a relief to put all that behind me. God carried me through it all.

Today was a busy one. I started early this morning leading the devotions at Elyon High School at Dagoretti Corner for the entire students and staff.  What an honour it is have them keep asking me back to share a from God's Word.

The rest of the day soon filled with sorting IT issues for CCP, investigating some new ideas to help the CCP office in the future and of course travelling to visit to the doctor.
Thanks to Pastor William Erik a from Dagoretti Corner for the provision of car. May God continue to bless you as you serve Him.

All in all, a great day. Thank you Lord.

God is good!

Saturday 27 September 2014

The desires of your heart

Psalm 37:4 NIV
[4] Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.

This Bible verse appeared on my phone today and it reminded me how many people I know who misunderstand this wonderful verse and abuse its intention.

It is not saying that if we delight in God then he will grant our selfish wants. Yes, God does promise to provide for our needs but this verse in not even speaking of that characteristic of God.

It is saying if we surrender to God and delight in what He delights in, then He will change us and our desires will conform to His Will.

In the context of the rest of this Psalm we can see that it was written by someone who has learnt throughout life to trust and totally depend upon God; to delight in God's ways and wait for Him to show blessing.

If you are game, ask God to fill your heart with His desires and then watch the transformation in your life.

We serve a mighty, mighty God!

Settling back down

What a start to this trip. During my time in hospital I learnt so much about myself and trusting God completely.
Since leaving hospital on Wednesday I have tried to settle back down into what I came here to do. I have spent the last two days (albeit shorter days) in the CCP office fixing a few IT issues and preparing for the staff training sessions that I will be commencing next week. With the down time during my illness it means I will need to spend a fair bit of time this weekend getting up to speed ready to conduct the training sessions - presentations, assignments & exams to compile.

I still need to visit the hospital on Sunday for a follow up blood test and then a doctor's appointment on Monday. Please pray for continued healing and health.

Oh, and I still have no word on my lost luggage.

Have the events of this past week weakened my desire to be here?
No! I do truly believe this is the time and place that I am meant to be.

This is the scripture that keeps resounding in my head........
2 Corinthians 4:7-9 NIV
[7] But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. [8] We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; [9] persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.

Monday 22 September 2014

Getting on

It should never be a surprise that the plans we think we have turn out not to be what actually happens. Only God knows the full picture. My journey to Kenya on this trip have been one of those times. Originally following one plan, details changed along the way but never the clear call that the coming and timing was right.

Spending a week or so in a Nairobi hospital was never in my plans but God has used even this time to strengthen and prepare me and to solidify the relationships I have with new and old friends, colleagues and partners in the Gospel here in Kenya.

As I write this, I am still in Aga Khan University Hospital in Nairobi and maybe for a few more days while the doctors ensure that I am 100% recovered before discharging me. I praise God for the diligence of the staff here. It is no coincidence that I am in this place for I know that He cares for me.

Once I am released, I will return to the work I was sent here to do. I do not claim to have the answers. I am not here to solve problems on my own. I am here offering my God given talents and skills to assist where ever I am needed, always guided by my local partners.

My main involvement on this trip is with Chosen Children of Promise I am working with the admin team (specifically with IT), training teachers to work with the new Kenyan IT curriculum and I have now also been asked to support the spiritual aspects of the ministry through a mentoring role.

As time permits, I have also again been asked to continue my ongoing ministry relationship with Elyon High School at Dagoretti Corner and particularly when possible to be involved in their morning devotions. This is one of many relationships that has grown over the last 6 years of travelling to Kenya, one that I am keen to continue nuturing.

I have been overwhelmed by the level of support (prayer and financial) that I am receiving from so many people, here in Kenya, from home in Australia but also from many other places around the world. God is truly at work!

Please continue to pray for my full recovery and for the ongoing ministry here and may it all be to God's glory and honour!

His jar of clay, declaring His glory,

Saturday 20 September 2014

All for a purpose

I cannot deny that this week has been extremely hard but I am learning total dependence on God.

2 Corinthians 4:7-10,15 NIV
[7] But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. [8] We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; [9] persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. [10] We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. [15] All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.

My health is now improving and I am hoping to be released from hospital within a few days. Even during these times of struggle I have so clearly seen the hand of God at work in and through me. He alone has guided my steps. He has raised an army of prayer supporters from around the world for His work through me here in Kenya. I give Him the honour, glory and praise. He alone is worthy of it all.

Thank you all for following my journey, for your prayers and support.

Friday 19 September 2014

Current state of affairs

With all that happening currently in my life, I thought I would simply post this to describe my current state of affairs and frame of mind.

A new depth

There is a local saying here....
God is good, all the time (to which people reply) All the time, God is good and that is His nature.

God is so good. Obey Him & trust in Him. He NEVER fails.
God said come to Kenya, so I came in obedience. Now I am learning a new depth of trusting Him
I am truly blessed!

Sunday 14 September 2014

A very pointed message

On Sunday I attended a local Kenyan church. One that I have been to a number of times during trips here. As always, it was extremely welcoming and vibrant. But the thing that really hit me was the message. At first it seemed a strange Scripture to be preaching on -  Proverbs 6:6-11 but then I remembered 2 Timothy 3:16-17 NIV
[16] All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, [17] so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

The main point the preacher raised was that like the ant we all need to do our bit in the church family, not leaving it to a few people. My choice of passages for that point would have been Paul's description of the Church as a body in 1 Corinthians 12. But God used this preacher and passage to clearly speak to the hearts of people, including mine. They also stressed that trying to do it alone is not in God's plans.

To say that I was convicted would be an understatement. My greatest fault has always been pride; my "I can do it myself attitude". Even my name, Robert means "bright fame", "bright with glory" or "proud".

I knew that this trip was going to be a time of learning; a time when God was going to continue to shape & remould me. I committed to this trip in obedience to God truly believing that it is His plan for me to be here in Kenya right now. Due to my lost luggage and my current illness, my budget for this trip has been totally blown out of the water. Yes, travel insurance will cover my medical bills and my luggage if it is declared lost. They are currently calling it delayed! But I am paying these extra expenses from my food and accommodation budget. I cannot even lodge the insurance claims until each event is resolved.

So, it is time for me to swallow my pride and admit that I cannot do it myself. I am therefore asking my Christian family to pray, asking God if they should join me in this ministry time in Kenya. I am not asking you to come to Kenya but rather to consider helping to support me financially. Those who know me well will know that this is a huge step for me. I am trusting that God will provide. Maybe it will be through your support. Do not make a decision lightly. Pray hard for God's leading.

Proverbs 3:5-8 NIV
[5] Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; [6] in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. [7] Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. [8] This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.

If you are in Australia and you want to help financially, please email me or private message me on Facebook for bank details.
If you are not in Australia or you want to use Credit Card/PayPal, use the button below.

Trust God with me.

A Taste of Local Reality

I have always said that trusting God in our western world was easy since we have so many safety nets. Here, it requires a lot more faith.

My budget for this trip was always going to be tight. However, truly believing God has me here at this time for His purpose, I came in faith that He will provide. With my luggage still missing, I have needed to buy a few clothes & personal items. Local reality struck when I started thinking in terms of the cost of my daily food. Those few items have cost me two weeks of meals. I had already only budgeted for two meals a day. On top of that, my luggage contained my daily medication; enough for the whole trip. Now buying that here will cost me three days of food for every two weeks of tablets.

I have never had my faith stretched so far! But this is the reality for many locals here. They must daily trust God for their next meal.

On the up side, my initial meetings to discuss and prepare for what I am here to do have only strengthened my belief that this where God wants me, here & now.

An old song rattles through my head........

Jehovah Jireh, my Provider, His Grace is sufficient for me, for me, for me.
Jehovah Jireh, my Provider, His Grace is sufficient for me, for me, for me.
My God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in Glory.
He gives His angels charge over me.
Jehovah Jireh cares for me, for me, for me.
Jehovah Jireh cares for me.

Please pray that my faith will be strengthened and that I will truly trust in God, my Provider.

Friday 12 September 2014

What am I doing here this time.

Here's a very brief summation of what I am doing this time - my 7th time in Kenya.
I am helping CCP with ICT implementation.

CCP is Chosen Children of Promise - a wonderful organisation working with orphaned and abandoned children in the Kawangware and N'gando slums areas of Nairobi.
Information, Communication & Technology (ICT) has been added as a subject in the schools here. Earlier this year CCP added a school to their long list of ministries and my task is to bring the teachers at CCP Academy up to speed so that they can teach this subject effectively.

The first few days.

This trip is full of mixed emotions. The first few days have been a time of adjustment.
I do miss my wife and especially our afternoon sharing of the days events. Sure, we can Skype but it is not the same as being together.
While it has only been about 7 months since I was last here, in many ways it seems so long ago. It takes time to adjust to the different pace of life and being the fish in the bowl. In the area where I am staying and spending most of my time here there are not many muzungu (white people) so there is always the feeling that you are being watched. There is a shopping mall near my accommodation that is frequented my muzungu so I can retreat there sometimes to feel a little less conspicuous.

I arrived here on Tuesday afternoon but as yet (Friday morning) there is no sign of my luggage. I do get a phone call from the airline daily informing me that it was not on today's flight...... Maybe tomorrow.

Yesterday I spent my first day in the CCP office after reviewing curriculum documents over the last few days, it was time to draft up a training schedule for the CCP Academy teachers. That is one of my main task for this trip, to prepare the teachers ready to deliver the ICT curriculum.

This morning I have been invited to join (read speak at) the morning devotions at Elyon High School. After that I will catch a matatu to the CCP office for continue preparations.

For those of you who saw my video of the multi bed room that was waiting for me on Tuesday, I have now moved to a small room.

Until next time........


Monday 8 September 2014

The long haul begins!

I am sitting at Sydney airport waiting to board the first flight - Sydney to Melbourne. I will then change planes and fly to Abu Dhabi and then change again for the flight to Nairobi. All up from take off in Sydney until touchdown in Nairobi it will be about 33 hours.
Thanks to all the friends and family who have said that they will be praying for me and also praying for Linda as I leave her at home while I am in Kenya for the next 3 months.

Trusting in God's provision for everything!

Sunday 31 August 2014

Returning to Kenya again!

I am heading back to Kenya. This time for almost 3 months. (Thanks to my gorgeous wife,  Linda, for the 3 month pass). This will be my 7th trip to Kenya since 2009. I truly believe that God has given Kenya a special place in my heart. I simply love the Kenyan people and seeing God at work there, both in their lives and in mine.
This time I will be working with Chosen Children of Promise
I will be training teachers in technology and helping them integrate it into their school curriculum. I will also assist with linking the school to the CCP office network which is a few km away.

Of course I will catch up with our Kenya Help scholarship beneficiaries and with many of my Kenyan friends. I also hope to spend some time following up the participants of the Pastors training programme that is run by Elyon Christian Mission.
I was involved in the birthing of this programme and it will be exciting to see first hand how God has grown this vital ministry to pastors in the slum areas around Dagoretti Corner.

I will endeavour to regularly (& often) update this blog ( with news of how I see God at work during this 3 month stay in Nairobi.

Please pray for my time in Kenya; for health, wisdom, safety & fruitfulness. Also pray for my wife Linda at home in Australia.

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Danger: Reading this book may upset you!

2 Timothy 3:16-17 NIV
"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."

If we are serious about the Bible, we must ask ourselves again and again; "In what ways are good works being produced through our lives because of our study of the Bible?"

Sunday 20 April 2014

It changes everything!

Romans 10:9 NIV
[9] That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

The resurrection changes everything!
When God raised Jesus from the dead it changed our future. By God's grace we have a future. Saying that we are a Christian is not evidence. Living what we what we believe is evidence. Not that works will bring us salvation but that our salvation is evidenced by how we live. Our life is the fruit of what we truly believe.
If we truly believe that the resurrection of Jesus is true then it should dramatically change our life and the way that we interact to our family, friends, neighbours and indeed the world around us.

Christianity is not a "religion". It is a relationship with the risen Lord Jesus.
God raising Him from the dead proves that He is the Lord of all. He is our Lord! If He is our Lord then we must submit to His lordship.
If we truly believe He is risen, it must change us! 

I Serve a Risen Saviour
  • I serve a risen Saviour 
      He’s in the world today.
    I know that He is living,
      Whatever men may say.
    I see His hand of mercy;
      I hear His voice of cheer;
    And just the time I need Him
      He’s always near.
    • He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today!
      He walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow way.
      He lives, He lives, salvation to impart!
      You ask me how I know He lives?
          He lives within my heart.
  • In all the world around me
      I see His loving care,
    And though my heart grows weary,
      I never will despair;
    I know that He is leading,
      Through all the stormy blast;
    The day of His appearing
      Will come at last.
  • Rejoice, rejoice, O Christian,
      Lift up your voice and sing
    Eternal hallelujahs
      To Jesus Christ the King!
    The Hope of all who seek Him,
      The Help of all who find,
    None other is so loving,
      So good and kind.

  • Source: